
Monday, July 20, 2015

Symptoms of ALS
Let me start by saying that I was never diagnosed with ALS. However, I did have certain neurological symptoms that matched up with ALS symptoms and they are now gone. 
It all began with my voice. I am a singer and a teacher, so my voice is an essential part of my life and my livelihood. In April 2013, I began to notice that my voice was not as strong. I assumed it must be seasonal allergies, or maybe some food I had become allergic to, so I went to the doctor and they drew some blood to check for allergens. According to their tests, I was not allergic to anything.

By September of 2013 it felt like someone had really put the dimmer switch on my voice. It made controlling my fourth grade class really difficult, and singing became a struggle. I made a spray of honey and lemon and was using that to get by, but one day my vocal chords began to spasm and I had to take a two-week leave of absence. I was completely devastated. 

          The doctors saw no permanent damage when they did a scope of my larynx, which was a relief. In spite of this, I would lay awake at night counting the seconds between spasms. I did nothing medically, but received many sessions of Johrei during my leave of absence.

After a week, the spasms stopped, to my great relief.
I returned to work, but not having a full voice made it more stressful. I was also a single mom with a two-year-old and a five-year-old who has a learning disability. I felt like I was in a constant state of overwhelm.

One night in April 2014, I was awakened by a very strong muscle twitch in my inner right thigh. I didn’t think anything of it and went back to sleep. Gradually, as the days wore on, however, I began getting twitches on the insides of both of my thighs. I knew I was not exercising or walking excessively, so why should my muscles be twitching? I also began to feel a strange buzzing feeling throughout my body and an undulation that felt very strange. Since I only really noticed it at night in bed, I ignored it.

I didn’t get really worried until one night in May, when I found myself lying in the dark with every imaginable muscle twitching, including in my face. I was terrified. I woke up, paced around, took a shower, and decided I better go see my general practitioner.
The doctor did a complete physical, and ran a battery of tests on my thyroid. All my blood work came back normal. After running a few more tests on my thyroid, which turned up nothing, he gave me a referral to a neurologist.

By the end of May, things got worse. I woke up one night feeling like something was not right and I realized that both of my hands were limp. I leapt out of bed and in my craziness, tried to do some push-ups, anything to get my hands feeling normal again. I couldn’t even pick up a pen!

Things only got worse after that. I had muscle weakness all over my body. I could barely lift my arms over my head. I tripped going up the curb several times, and had to tell my crying daughter to walk, because Mommy was not strong enough to carry her.

Then one night, I woke up with limp hands on a regular basis and then by mid-June I had a couple of nights when I woke up and could not move my arms and legs right. I felt the buzzing and twitching throughout the day. I knew I had to do something.

I decided that if I did indeed have ALS, which again was never confirmed by anyone, there was not much that medical science was going to be able to do for me, so, I would do a 30-day Johrei cleanse and see what happened.

During that month, I received Johrei at least three times a day. I also gave as much Johrei to others as I could. I tried to keep a two-to-one balance between giving and receiving.
30-days later, I was completely symptom free. It was such a miracle and an incredible relief to be symptom free. I could sleep through the night. I could carry my daughter when she wanted me to. I could go back to living my life normally again.

It is now February 2015, and the effects of the Johrei cleanse have continued to last.  Sometimes, I have an occasional twitch here and there, but I no longer require hours and hours of Johrei. One Johrei session a week, which is what I had always done, and all is right with the world.
Turning a Baby
I knew my co-worker’s wife was pregnant. I didn’t think much about it until one day, Tom told me that it was approaching the ninth month and the baby hadn’t turned yet. This meant that his wife, who wanted to have a home birth, was going to have to go in for a precarious procedure where they hand-turn the baby. Apparently, there was a risk of dislodging the placenta and putting the baby’s life in danger. I didn’t know his wife, but I decided to offer to give her Johrei if she was open to it. A few days later, Tom came to me and told me that his wife was willing to try Johrei. So, I gave him my phone number and told him to have her call me.

We arranged to meet at her house that weekend. She already had a toddler and it would be easier for her if she could remain at home. I gave her Johrei for about an hour. We were silent throughout the session, but in the last ten minutes I had her stand so I could give Johrei to a point underneath her body. It was the end of the session, and I assumed that the Johrei had already done what it was going to do. We were chatting, getting to know each other a bit, when suddenly she lurched forward. We were both taken by surprise. I asked her what had just happened and she said she wasn’t sure, but she thought maybe the baby had moved.

The next day was her appointment. She called me afterward to tell me that the baby’s head was almost exactly in place. It was only off by one or two centimeters, which no one was concerned about. She was thrilled and I was both excited for her and astonished at the results. This energy work never ceases to amaze me.

She had her baby girl at home with a midwife and a doula present. Both she and the baby were healthy and happy.
Olivia: Albany, CA