
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Chronic Headaches Dissolved Over Time

Constant Headaches for Months on End

        I have always been fit. I exercise and try to eat right. When I hit my early 30's, I started getting these terrible headaches. They lasted for days and the pain was excruciating. My dad had been doing Johrei for years and years, but it never interested me. He offered me Johrei, but I didn't take him up on it right away. Finally one day I decided I had had enough and let him give me Johrei. Lo and behold, my headache went away.
But that wasn't the end of it. That summer I had a headache that lasted for two months straight. I got up with it and went to bed with it. People told me I looked pale and it was really debilitating. Sometimes I would just pull over on a side street and sit there hoping that the pain would subside. 
That's when my father suggested that we go together to the Johrei Center. We started going to the Center in Los Angeles on a regular basis. The people there were friendly and I felt they were sincere. Sometimes I would get more than one Johrei and I always felt better, though my headache that summer was very stubborn. 
Eventually, the headache started to get less painful until it finally went away altogether. Boy, what a relief that was. 
I still get occasional headaches, but nothing like that one. Now I know, that Johrei will take care of it. I decided to get involved in Johrei after my experience. I felt very grateful, and wanted to give back to others for the benefits I had received.
Jose: Long Beach, CA