
About Johrei

Johrei... is a cleansing action.
       Johrei is about healing: healing the self, the body, and the planet. The principal idea is that healing happens when cleansing in the energy body is brought about in a variety of ways. Sometimes the result is a physical elimination of toxins, at other times the change is more subtle in nature. One can receive Johrei, the cleansing energy, from another person or one can cleanse oneself, through the appreciation of art and beauty, doing good for others, and by eating clean, unpolluted organic food. The following are excerpts from the writings of the founder, Mokichi Okada, and other sources which explain the above in more detail.

Natural Self-Therapy
Contemplate the miracle of the human being. How wondrous is the human creature with its remarkable limbs, its subtle operations of will and thought, and its emotional expressions of joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure. Its nerves are so sensitive that they react to a flea bite. Its tongue is capable of tasting the flavors of all kinds of food and drink and of conveying all kinds of intentions and the faces of over two billion humans are each unique. Especially mysterious is the process of human reproduction.

If each human being has the power to create a physical being, is it any wonder that the physical body should have a mechanism for curing its own toxic condition?

The body is constituted to undergo a constant, natural purification process to eliminate toxins physiologically. This miraculous, natural process [known as disease] is accompanied by some pain and discomfort, but the person soon feels better than ever if this purification process is allowed to run it course.

Excerpt by Mokichi Okada

Celebrate Having a Cold
     No one really likes getting sick. You have no energy, your body aches, you miss work, and you feel miserable. But wouldn’t it be different if you knew there was a good reason for it?

     Getting sick is a natural cleansing, purifying process your body goes through periodically to detoxify. First you develop a fever, which melts the toxins. Then the liquefied toxins that are actually poisonous to your system start searching for a way out of the body. When they start to move, they irritate the nerves and you feel pain. Once they are eliminated through phlegm or other discharge, your fever subsides and the pain goes away. If left alone, your body will maintain optimum health by cleansing out toxins with an occasional cold or flu.

     If you stop the body’s natural purification process over and over again, it can lead to chronic health problems. There is then an overabundance of toxins in the system. A healthy body has the vitality to purify out the toxins naturally and it will continue to do so, even if it means developing chronic conditions, which are more difficult to purify. They take time.

     So, getting a cold is really a good thing. It’s the body’s natural way of cleaning house. The pain you feel means the toxins are in the process of moving in order to be eliminated.

     Getting Johrei while your body is cleansing is a good idea, because it puts the brain in the alpha state, which turns on the immune system and facilitates a more rapid elimination of the toxins from your body. So the next time you feel sick, you can actually feel good about the fact that your body is simply cleansing itself!

Science and Johrei
Ongoing scientific experiments show that Johrei significantly enhances the human immune system to ward off chronic illnesses such as cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. These experiments show that the immune systems of people who channel or receive Johrei on a regular basis, consistently outperform those of control subjects. Other experiments which measure brain wave activity demonstrate the incomparable ease with which Johrei relieves stress, promoting a state of deep relaxation and enhanced creativity.

In Short
Receiving Johrei is relaxing. Appreciating art and beauty is a joy! Doing good for others is gratifying and eating organic food is delicious. It's a simple, lovely, and holistic way of life. 

Health and the New Civilization
          One is moved by the wonder of nature’s work in a beautiful view, a single flower, a leaf and all the birds, beasts, insects and fish. Yet, humanity truly is the crowning creation. When we realize that the human being is a masterpiece, we see that illness, which inhibits human action, is an aberration. This is a point to which human beings must devote serious thought.

It is the goal of Johrei Fellowship to create an ideal world of health, peace and prosperity. Most people think that such a world, without disease, poverty and conflict is an unattainable ideal, but I am not afraid to say that I firmly believe in its realization.

Consider for a moment the current situation, which prevails in the world. Many people are sick and no one knows how or when this suffering will be eliminated. Everyone would like to eradicate illness, but this desire remains an unattainable dream. 

Though the world seems immense, it is merely a collection of individuals. Each person affects all of the people around them, therefore, a change on the individual level can affect change throughout the entire world. For example, the illness of one person can affect the family, co-workers and, on a more subtle level, the nation and the world. In the same way, the health on one person positively affects the people around them and spreads throughout the nation and the world. A person who understands this principle can see that promoting the health of people is the way to create an ideal world and achieve the great goal of eradicating illness.
Excerpt by Mokichi Okada

  Beauty in Everyday Life
  • Put a flower by your beside
  • Make a flower arrangement
  • Visit an art museum or gallery
  • Go to uplifting concerts, plays, dance performances and poetry readings
  • Hike and stroll in nature
  • Plant a flower garden
  • Take lessons to sing or play an instrument
  • Sing, dance, write poetry, draw, paint, play your instrument

Beautify the World
  • Give someone flowers
  • Give one flower to each of your co-workers
  • Help clean someone's house or yard
  • Pick up trash on the street, beach, or hiking trail
  • Remove cobwebs from places in your house
  • Paint a room a new color
  • Hang artwork on the walls at home or at work
  • Organize an untidy desk or cupboard
  • Place house plants around your home or office