
Johrei Stories-Listed Alphabetically

                      Illness is a cleansing; 
                    A purifying action for the body to detoxify and be healthy.
All of the following stories, presented in alphabetical order, are true as remembered and recounted by the authors. Names, of course, have been altered and some editing has been done for aesthetic purposes, however the content of the stories has not been changed. You may use the Ctrl. F feature on your keyboard to search for key words or conditions that interest you. Enjoy these inspiring stories of healing!


Quick Healing After a Bike Accident
    My thirteen-year-old son, Cory, always liked to ride his bike. One day, he and a friend went to the BMX race track near our home. Cory decided to tackle a very steep hill. Racing his bike with great speed over several hills, he hit the biggest hill and flew off his bike. H was dazed when he got up and somehow rode his bike home.

     When he walked through the door, he was so covered in dust and dirt. I could see that the right side of his face was bleeding and scraped along with his ear and neck and his hand had a large, apple-sized lump on the back of it. We took him to the hospital where an x-ray determined that he thankfully had no broken bones.

     The next day, Cory's face became so swollen it looked like a balloon and there was bruising under his eye. We gave him Johrei and took him to the Johrei Center where he could get Johrei from several different people all day long.

     By the third day his facial swelling had gone down a little and by the fifth day after the accident his face was almost back to normal. All he had was some crust of dry skin and pink patches where new skin was forming. The swelling on his hand was almost gone too.

     We were so grateful, because another boy had attempted the same jump two days before Cory did and he had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance. He was in a coma for two weeks. Even those who gave Johrei to Cory were in awe at how he had healed so quickly. 
Kathy: Vancouver, Canada

A Nerve Begins to Heal

Last October, I was busy making lunch for my children. I am always on a mission to get my son, who is a "carbotarian," to eat better. That day I was determined to get him to eat rice and beans. 

The rice was ready to go, so I got a can of pinto beans and started to open it. The can opener was old and I had been thinking about getting a new one, I just hadn't gotten around to it yet. It always left a few spots unopened, so that I had to pry the lid off with a butter knife. 

That day, I was in a hurry, so I just grabbed at the lid and it slipped, cutting straight into my ring finger on my left hand. I held my hand up in the air and shouted for help. My son came running and saw the kitchen covered in blood. He stood there not knowing what to do.

"Go get Linda! I have to go to the emergency room, NOW!" with that he was off and running. I stood with my hand over the sink and started to give Johrei to the wound. By the time they both arrived, the bleeding had stopped and it didn't hurt much either, so I wrapped it in gauze and put a band-aid around it to keep it secure.

Fast forward to December. I went on a trip to Tucson where I had the good fortune of getting Johrei from Henry Ajiki. He is one of the founding members of Johrei in North America and he must have given well over a million Johreis in his long life. He is now in his early nineties. 

I'd been having some issues with my pancreas, so I hoped his Johrei would help me out. Unexpectedly, and it was a short Johrei of only about ten minutes, what I felt was three very sharp electric-type jolts shoot through the ring finger on my left hand. I was so surprised!

Ever since the kitchen accident, I hadn't been able to feel much on the upper and right side of that finger. I also hadn't been able to wear any rings, because the site of the cut was unusually sensitive. 

In the days since, the feeling has been coming back in that finger. It seems like I may have cut into a nerve and that short Johrei reconnected the wires, so to speak. 

Now the site of the cut feels normal, except for the scar that remains. I don't know if I will regain full feeling, but I will be able to wear rings on that finger again thanks to Johrei.
Liseli: Los Angeles, CA
    While visiting Los Angeles, I accidentally exploded a gas oven, burning my left arm and right hand. My hair, eyebrows, and eye lashes were also singed by the blast. A friend of mine immediately took me to the Johrei Center where I received Johrei. The pain was severe, however, it felt as though the Johrei was pulling the burn out. I slept that night, and the burns began to disappear the next day. I was left with only minor blisters on my knuckles.
Christine: Boulder, Colorado

     A friend of mine had a three-year-old daughter who was naturally very curious. One day she came up to the stove while her mother was cooking and pulled on the handle of a pot full of boiling water. The scalding hot water burned her entire left arm and chest. Her mother gave her Johrei right away. Her daughter cried and cried, but after some time the burning pain subsided and she was able to go to sleep. Both of her parents continued to give her Johrei throughout the night, taking turns in shifts. When their daughter awoke the next morning the burned areas were still red, but there were no blisters. The most amazing thing was that over time, the redness faded and she was left with now scars!
Miho: San Francisco, CA

Sun Burn
     I went to visit my friend, John, because he was feeling confused about making a career change. I wanted to give him emotional support. We went to the beach and spent a lot of time in the sun that day. John was in a bad mood and refused to put on any sunscreen. When we got home, he had a severe sunburn. It was fire engine red and beginning to blister. He was a skeptic, but agreed to receive Johrei, because he was suffering so much. I gave him a long Johrei, and he slept until the next morning. When he woke up his skin was only slightly pink and it did not hurt at all. His mental state was also greatly improved. While he was not ready to attribute his quick recovery completely to Johrei, he now asks me for Johrei every time we get together.
Mindy: Hyattsville, MD

Car Accident Recovery Hastened

     My right had was crushed and I broke two ribs in a car crash. Following the accident, I received Johrei only three times and I felt much better after each session. The doctor was surpriat how rapidly the hadn healed. He was able to remove my cast one week early. 
Marilyn: Palo Alto, CA

A Concussion
I am a nurse, and about two years ago, I sustained a concussion from a fall, hitting my head on a wooden floor. I had all the symptoms: intense nausea, disorientation, dizziness, blurred vision. One day I even forgot where I lived and I got on the train and didn’t know which was my stop. I had intense headaches and pressure in the head. This went on for three months. At the Lenox Hill Hopsital, where I worked, I kept seeing the little yellow card that describes Johrei on the bulletin board outside the nurses’ lounge. It kept catching my eye. I thought to myself, “Oh, this is mumbo jumbo!” But it kept getting my attention, so I said to myself, “Okay, already. I am going to check it out.

          In the first twenty minutes of Johrei, all my symptoms were relieved for the first time in three months. Afterwards, I went outside and realized that everything looked different, bright, beautiful, and I had a sense of release. All the pain and pressure were gone. I wrote it off as a coincidence. When the symptoms came back they were milder, so I decided to see if the Johrei would work again. This time the symptoms disappeared and never came back again. This concussion had been confirmed by my internist.
Jane: New York, NY

Slipped and Fell
          I was working in the backyard. The ground there is like clay and it was soaked from recent rains. I needed to transplant a shrub that had been in its spot for over 20 years. I dug 3 ft deep and 5 ft across to uncover it's roots. The bush was so heavy I needed a friend to help me remove it from the hole. Then I went to clean up and slipped on the concrete stairs. My right hip and my left arm took the brunt of the fall. It was bad and the pain was immediate and intense. My friend began to give me Johrei, and in less than two minutes the pain was completely gone. I couldn't believe it! So I thought, well maybe I have temporarily removed the pain but I'll bet I'm at the chiropractor’s office in a day or two. The need never arose.
Kit: San Francisco, CA

Almost No Scar

         Last year I was in the bathroom when I slipped and fell. I hit my forehead on the way down. The cut was very deep and traversed almost the entire length of my forehead about an inch below my hairline.

         I was rushed to the hospital, where I received stitches, actually staples, to hold the wound shut. The cut was very deep and the doctor told me I would most certainly have a scar. "You can spend thousands of dollars on plastic surgery to fix it later." he said. In the meantime I looked like Frakenstein. 

         I had already had a healing of the Chron's Disease, I had suffered with for years, so I went to my friend who does Johrei to see if it could help with heal the cut. I received Johrei regularly for about a month and amazingly it healed with almost no scar at all. 

        When I tell people about my accident, I have to point to the scar so they can see it. It is barely visible. After these two experiences with Johrei, I had to become a member. How could I not make this healing technique available to others? 
Dina: Ojai, CA



No More Pills!
          I met Debra at the Johrei Center in Washington, DC. She came hoping to get some relief for a severe case of acid reflux. She had to sleep sitting up; propped up on several large pillows, which meant her sleep was not very restful. She also had to have all her medication laid out by the sink, because in the morning she leapt out of bed and quickly swallowed the pills in order to prevent any symptoms from occurring.

          She had been coming for several months and I noticed that her skin was looking healthier. She had a glow about her. However, when I asked her how she was doing, she frowned and said that the acid reflux was still a major problem. I offered her Johrei and as we sat down I decided to really focus on some key stomach points. It was a session of about forty-five minutes and I could feel that the energy was strong.

          Later that week, to my surprise, she came bursting through the door. She was very excited, and in her hands was a wicker basket overflowing with bottles of medication. She said, “Here, you can have this. I don’t need it anymore!”  Her acid reflux had been cured and thankfully, it never returned again. Debra was extremely grateful. She felt she had been given a new lease on life. No more pills, no more pillows, and a blissful night’s sleep!
Sally: Washington, DC

Chron’s Disease is Healed

I'm a pilates instructor and a masseus. When I got Crohn's disease, it was devastating. I was in and out of the hospital, in pain, and, of course, unable to work. Each time it happened, I felt a little more helpless and a lot of despair. I was basically at the mercy of the disease.

One day, I was working on a client of mine who does Johrei. She never really talked about it much, but today she started sharing all the healing that has happened for her and her family members because of it. 

She started channeling Johrei to me regularly and within a month, the Crohn's disease was gone! It was such a simple thing to sit in a chair and receive the healing light, and then be free of a debilitating disease. 

My livelihood and quality of life have both been restored. I cannot tell you how grateful I am. 
Dina: Ojai, CA
                                                   A Short Bout of Constipation

Last night my eight-year-old daughter had constipation so badly she was sitting on the toilet crying. I had been out of town for a week, and while I was gone she didn’t eat very well. She had been up all night with a stomach ache the night before, but since I wasn’t home, she had had to suffer through it with the babysitter
Now that I was home, I told her it was going to be o.k. I haven’t had to deal with constipation much, so I thought I better double check which points are best for addressing it. Having done that, I brought her a glass of water and a straw and had her drink it down. Then I got to work on the kidneys and coccyx.

She was crying and saying how much she hated sitting there. “My stomach hurts! It won’t come out! It’s stuck in there.” Big tears of agony slid down her cheeks. I rubbed her back reassuringly and kept focusing the Johrei on her kidneys. 

Five minutes later, she suddenly straightened up and out it came! Her eyes immediately brightened and she gave me a big smile. All that pain and suffering was over, and she was back to her usual self. 
Liseli: Los Angeles, CA


Seasonal Allergies and Nerve Pain
          When I first started receiving Johrei, I had two physical problems, which impacted seriously on my work and my life. The first was a chronic allergy condition that erupted every July and lasted through November. It was totally debilitating. I sneezed constantly, my eyes itched continually, and there was a steady tickle in the back of my throat. I would come home from work and go to bed. I spent every weekend from mid-July to mid-November in bed. I remember watching Wimbledon and the U.S. Open form my bed for three years in a row.

          I also had a condition known as Morton’s Neuroman. This is a condition of damaged nerves in the ball of the foot, directly under the toes. I could no longer take the long walks in the park that I so loved, nor could I cross-country ski. It affected the type of work I was able to perform and I ended up having to be restricted to desk work.

          Within two months of receiving Johrei, my hay fever practically disappeared. Six months later my foot improved a good eighty percent! I still have occasional episodes, but I can now walk home from my job in high heels (two miles) With very little pain.
Noreen: New York, NY

Gradual Improvement of Allergies and Asthma
          Allergies and asthma were a normal part of my existence. I took allergy medicine for years. At some point, I decided to give Johrei a try. I thought it would be nice to be allergy-free again.

          I began to receive Johrei regularly. At first, I had many, many colds, which was explained to me was part of the detox process. I eliminated a lot of phlegm.

         Even during an asthma attack, the Johrei gradually loosened up the mucus in my lungs and I was able to eliminate it. It took many years to purify out the toxins, but eventually I became asthma-free which was incredible. 

          I'm in good health now, with no asthma and only very slight allergy symptoms during the height of the season. 
Judy: El Dorado Springs, CO


Symptoms of ALS
Let me start by saying that I was never diagnosed with ALS. However, I did have certain neurological symptoms that matched up with ALS symptoms and they are now gone.
It all began with my voice. I am a singer and a teacher, so my voice is an essential part of my life and my livelihood. In April 2013, I began to notice that my voice was not as strong. I assumed it must be seasonal allergies, or maybe some food I had become allergic to, so I went to the doctor and they drew some blood to check for allergens. According to their tests, I was not allergic to anything.

By September of 2013 it felt like someone had really put the dimmer switch on my voice. It made controlling my fourth grade class really difficult, and singing became a struggle. I made a spray of honey and lemon and was using that to get by, but one day my vocal chords began to spasm and I had to take a two-week leave of absence. I was completely devastated. 

          The doctors saw no permanent damage when they did a scope of my larynx, which was a relief. In spite of this, I would lay awake at night counting the seconds between spasms. I did nothing medically, but received many sessions of Johrei during my leave of absence.

After a week, the spasms stopped, to my great relief.
I returned to work, but not having a full voice made it more stressful. I was also a single mom with a two-year-old and a five-year-old who has a learning disability. I felt like I was in a constant state of overwhelm.

One night in April 2014, I was awakened by a very strong muscle twitch in my inner right thigh. I didn’t think anything of it and went back to sleep. Gradually, as the days wore on, however, I began getting twitches on the insides of both of my thighs. I knew I was not exercising or walking excessively, so why should my muscles be twitching? I also began to feel a strange buzzing feeling throughout my body and an undulation that felt very strange. Since I only really noticed it at night in bed, I ignored it.

I didn’t get really worried until one night in May, when I found myself lying in the dark with every imaginable muscle twitching, including in my face. I was terrified. I woke up, paced around, took a shower, and decided I better go see my general practitioner.
The doctor did a complete physical, and ran a battery of tests on my thyroid. All my blood work came back normal. After running a few more tests on my thyroid, which turned up nothing, he gave me a referral to a neurologist.

By the end of May, things got worse. I woke up one night feeling like something was not right and I realized that both of my hands were limp. I leapt out of bed and in my craziness, tried to do some push-ups, anything to get my hands feeling normal again. I couldn’t even pick up a pen!

Things only got worse after that. I had muscle weakness all over my body. I could barely lift my arms over my head. I tripped going up the curb several times, and had to tell my crying daughter to walk, because Mommy was not strong enough to carry her.

Then one night, I woke up with limp hands on a regular basis and then by mid-June I had a couple of nights when I woke up and could not move my arms and legs right. I felt the buzzing and twitching throughout the day. I knew I had to do something.

I decided that if I did indeed have ALS, which again was never confirmed by anyone, there was not much that medical science was going to be able to do for me, so, I would do a 30-day Johrei cleanse and see what happened.

          During that month, I received Johrei at least three times a day. I also gave as much Johrei to others as I could. I tried to keep a two-to-one balance between giving and receiving.
30-days later, I was completely symptom free. It was such a miracle and an incredible relief to be symptom free. I could sleep through the night. I could carry my daughter when she wanted me to. I could go back to living my life normally again.

          It is now February 2015, and the effects of the Johrei cleanse have continued to last.  Sometimes, I have an occasional twitch here and there, but I no longer require hours and hours of Johrei. One Johrei session a week, which is what I had always done, and all is right with the world.
Liseli: Los Angeles, CA

Easing Alzheimer's
My husband and I have been together for a very long time. Our children have all grown up and we are alone together again, only now things are different, because Tommy has Alzheimer's. It's been eight years now and while I've been coping pretty well with it, I still go to a support group once a month. That's where I am able to hear other people's stories and count my blessings that I have Johrei in my life.

I was an in-home caregiver for years, and the reason I always had work was because I could handle the patients who were hard to manage. I was given the cases where the people would be up all night rummaging through drawers and refusing to change their clothes or their bedding. They were the belligerent ones that no one else wanted.I was able to calm them down with Johrei.

Now I do the same with Tommy. If he is refusing care, I just sit myself down on the edge of his bed and give him Johrei. Half an hour later, he let's me change his clothes or his wet sheets without a fuss. He also sleeps right through the night because I give him Johrei every day, sometimes twice a day.

I count my lucky stars, because there are others in the support group who had to put their loved ones in a home after only six months. It's Johrei that's allowed him to stay home with me.
Rexxi: Los Angeles, CA


Adult Asthma
     One summer, while working as a waiter at a large outdoor event, a waitress ran up to me in a panic. She said she was asthmatic and having an attack. Her inhaler was empty and she was having trouble breathing. We were nowhere near a drugstore and her breathing was becoming more and more labored. I told her that the only thing I had to offer was Johrei and she said, “I’ll try anything!”
      I grabbed two chairs, told her to sit and started giving her Johrei. In seconds, she began spitting up mucus. I continued to give her Johrei until her breathing became normal. The waitress thanked me and said that the moment I raised my hand she had felt a pressure pushing out all the phlegm from her lungs. She was fine for the rest of the day.
Ginny: Tucson, AZ


HIV and Hepatitis C
          In 1994 I was diagnosed simultaneously with HIV and Hepatitis C. I waited a long time to seek help as I had not felt well for over 3 years and I knew I was infected, but was deep in denial so my medical stats were not good. In those days, that was a death sentence for sure. I was scared and felt very intimidated by the doctors who were giving me a dire prognosis of probably not living beyond 1996. I was told to immediately start taking HIV meds (which at that time was mostly just AZT - later we learned that straight AZT actually killed people faster than the disease) and to learn to start giving myself daily shots of interferons for the hepatitis. Luckily, I had a friend who was (and still is) a Johrei member who called me all the way from Amsterdam when she learned of my condition. She called me at work and asked "Do you trust me?" ... I said "yes".

          She sent me to a man in Oakland who she said would give me this thing called Johrei. He invited me to come to his home to start receiving treatment. I tend to be a very sensitive person so I felt it the very first time I received Johrei. I even said to the man that it felt like there was a gentle hand that was massaging my insides, especially around the abdomen and the GI region. He was so devoted he asked me to come 3 - 5 times a week and we kept that up for over 6 months. I never did take those medications, which in and of itself probably saved my life and I never got one shot of interferons for my liver. The only thing I did additionally to the Johrei during that whole time was taking supplements. I was also careful about my diet, not drinking alcohol, very limited sugar, nothing fried and nothing fermented. The underlying success was the Johrei itself.
          The process was an awakening for me. As Johrei is meant to heal the spirit before it heals the physical self, my awareness grew tremendously. I had always felt disconnected to both myself and the rest of the world. Johrei made me not only think I was connected, but actually helped me FEEL connected. The man told me next that in order for the healing to take hold, I would need to give myself in service as thanks for my blessings, so I volunteered at a food bank. This not only help connect me with others, but brought into my life a sense of humility that had been lacking. I saw others in worse conditions than myself and it changed my perception from "poor me" to "what can I do in the time I am here to help others". Again, Johrei was my answer.

          In the short term, within 8-10 months my statistics were within normal range, again with NO medication whatsoever.

          In the long term, it changed my life radically for the better. I obviously am still here and did eventually require medical treatment which started in 2007, delaying the need of medication for 13 years! I became a Johrei member in 1995 and give Johrei literally daily now to family, friends and acquaintances. There are many, many more healings I have experienced myself or witnessed in others, more than could fill a book. I am so happy that Johrei is in my life, I wouldn't be here without it!
Clinton: San Francisco, CA

          My first important experience with Johrei came with a friend and counseling client who had AIDS. Kathy was a dynamic 43-year-old woman who had just come down with CMV; the horrible eye disease associated with AIDS. I had known her for several years, as she had faithfully attended a meditation class I taught. When I heard she was sick, I went to the hospital every day for six days, and gave her Johrei for about an hour or more each time. We also talked about the meaning of going blind and what she could do to gain back her vision; metaphorically and spiritually speaking.

          At the end of the week, her doctor said to her, “Kathy, what have you been doing? You had one of the worst cases of CMV I have ever seen, and now it is almost just a speck on your eye.” Kathy told him proudly that she was receiving Johrei, and the doctor was impressed, because most people go blind and eventually die from this illness. He even asked Kathy to have me write him a letter, explaining what I had done.

         A year and a half later, Kathy’s other eye contracted the same disease and she passed away. I was able to give her Johrei in the days before she died, and I was with her when she died. The sensation of profound love and vast peace that pervaded the room after her passing, convinced me that she was in a good place.
Felipe: New York, NY

AIDS and High Fevers
          Another counseling client of mine also had AIDS. He had been doing very well, but one night, his partner called me and said they had gone to the emergency room because, Doug had a temperature of 105 degrees. The doctors didn’t know what exactly was wrong with him. They gave him tests all week long. I went to the hospital every day for five days and gave him Johrei for one to two hours each time. During each session his fever would break and he would be drenched in sweat. After I left, his temperature went back up again, but not as much. Each day I visited and gave Johrei, the fever came down and the doctors couldn’t explain it. By the end of the week, his personal physician was impressed enough to write on his chart, “This person should have a daily consultation of Johrei.” Ironically, when this same doctor had run into me on the first day, he had actually made fun of me.
Felipe: New York, NY


A Big Bump on the Forehead
          Like many young children, my son likes to run around like a wild banshee around bedtime. When he was a little over a year old, we were having one such evening. I was watching him run in and out of his room and making sure that he didn’t hurt himself. There was a futon on the floor and he wobbled a bit as he toddled across it. He was still a bit unsteady on his feet.

          I was sitting right in the middle of it all when suddenly he lunged forward and whacked his forehead against the sharp corner of the dresser. Immediately a dark purplish bump, the size of an egg started to form. As a first-time parent, I was petrified! I called out to my husband, who was angry, because he had to hang up the phone. He stormed in, took one look at our son’s forehead and started to panic. As he reprimanded me loudly for not watching our son, I decided to ignore him and start giving Johrei to my son’s forehead.

          I was holding him. He was crying and I was scared, but I didn’t know what else to do. I just kept giving the bump Johrei and encouraging my husband to do the same. Reluctantly, he joined me and as time passed, we were amazed and comforted to see the bump slowly receding. It gradually went down in size until it was a longish, flat bruise.

          I dozed beside my son that night on the futon so that I would be there in case he complained of a headache; a sign of cerebral bleeding. I gave him Johrei on and off and he slept through the night, without complaint. The next day, he went to the babysitter’s sporting an impressive shiner on his forehead.

          Since then I’ve found out that there are so many blood vessels in the forehead and that when a child bumps themselves, it almost always results in a big, menacing goose egg. For me, however, it was one of the scariest nights of my life. I really don’t know what I would have done without Johrei.
Cassie: Los Angeles, CA

After Hitting his Head
          Many years ago, in what seems now like another lifetime now, I was student teaching in Santa Cruz, California. One of the students in my fourth-grade class fell off the swings and hit his head very hard on the ground. 
          We took him to the office and immediately someone began to tend to him with ice packs and lots of tender love and care. I thought he'd be fine, and I felt a little shy about offering Johrei, so I went for a walk.

          I couldn't take my mind off the boy, however, and as soon as I finished my walk, I made my way back to the office where he was. he was moaning and groaning; holding his head in his hands and rocking back and forth.In spite of my inhibitions, I held my and over his head and simply said, "Let me just hold my hand over your head, sometimes this helps a little."
         After five minutes, he looked up at me with a bright smile, full of surprise, and said, "The pain's gone now. I can go out and play." I told him to rest instead, but it was amazing how fast the Johrei worked that time!
Steve: San Francisco, CA

Pain from Fibromyalgia and Fibroid Tumors
    Johrei never ceases to amaze me! I raise my hand and I just know something good is going to happen for someone. Several weeks ago we had a lovely family over for dinner. They have a teenage daughter and a son who is about two years old.

     No sooner had they arrived when I noticed the father was wincing and holding onto his arm. I asked him what was going on and he explained he had radiating pain from his neck down his arm; mostly on the right, but sometimes going down the left and all the way down both legs. He had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. When he sat down beside me on the couch I automatically raised my hand and started to give him Johrei. About fifteen minutes later he said the pain was gone and he was amazed. I knew that his condition would require more than one Johrei, but it was nice to have the pain alleviated for the moment.

     Then his wife mentioned that she isn't able to sleep well at night because she has fibroid tumors that press down on her spine and cause her pain. Again, this kind of chronic condition requires repeated Johreis, but I offered to see what could be done. I channeled to her back for about ten minutes before they left that evening. The next day she texted me that she had slept through the night and had no pain at all. What an incredible feeling to be of service to others in this way. As I said, no matter how many times healing happens right before my eyes, it never ceases to amaze me.
Liseli: Los Angeles, CA

A Persistent Cold
          My brother, who is a dentist, and I were in the waiting room of a hospital waiting for our mother to get out of surgery. He had had a very bad cold for several weeks and nothing had helped him. He was very skeptical about Johrei. Essentially, I think he humored me, thinking it would calm me down. There was no change during the session, but the next day he called to tell me that right afterward he had felt very sleepy and had gone home and taken a nap for two hours. When he woke up, the cold was completely gone. I almost didn’t believe him, but he said it was true and the cold didn’t return either.
Alex: Hoboken, NJ

A Common Cold
       After so many years of giving and receiving Johrei, one would think that I would no longer be impressed by its effect; but that's no the case. I continue to be amazed that by the simple raising of a hand and the transmission of energy, the physical body heals. 

       Two weeks ago I had a cold. My nose was running and I kept sneezing. I blew it so many times that it became irritated and red. I had planned to volunteer at the MOA Healing Center in Culver City that day, but given my condition, I decided to become a recipient instead. 

           As I received the Johrei, which they call OPT, Okada Purifying Therapy, I gradually began to feel relief. My head felt lighter and I had more energy. During the second session, I literally felt my cold evaporate. My nasal passages dried up and I had no more need for a tissue, because my nose was no longer running. 

            By the time I left, I sneezed one or two times, and that was the end of that cold. Pretty amazing!
Liseli: Los Angeles
Flu Season 2017

     I came home last week to find my husband looking like death warmed over. He was pale and stretched out on the sofa with a fever. He said his whole body ached and he could barely move. He doesn't usually ask me for Johrei, being somewhat of a skeptic, but this time he did. So, after attending to the kids' homework and dinner, I sat down to give him some Light. 
     My husband is pretty tough and his body seems to be pretty resilient. As I gave him Johrei, his body began to relax, the color slowly came back into his face, and he was able to open his eyes without squinting in pain. I think I was there with him for about an hour, then I had to attend to the children again, so I sent him to bed. 

     He works in construction, so he wakes up well before the rest of us. Apparently, he felt so much better that he was able to go to work, because his car was gone the next morning. When he got home that evening he said, he felt so much better, not quite 100%, but well enough to go to work and function. From there his body's immune system took over and the following day, he was back to normal.

     Last night, my six-year-old daughter, who had been looking a little pale and been cranky all day, came in to tell me her throat hurt. She had started coughing and said she just wanted to crawl into bed. I finished up my lesson plans for the week and helped her get into her pajamas and brush her teeth; which she hates. 

     My husband came in and seeing that she wasn't well, offered to give her Johrei. Both of us channeled to her for about an hour and the first thing that happened was that she stopped coughing, so she could rest. Her fever rose a bit and she fell asleep.  

I had her in bed with me all night; giving her Johrei off and on and checking her fever. She didn't start coughing again until about 6am. I sat up and gave her more Johrei. She no longer had a fever. 

     Today she's been her usual self, drawing and painting and squabbling with her brother. She has coughed a few times, but other than that you'd never know that she had been sick all night. Johrei is such a wonderful thing for our family!

Liseli: Los Angeles


Hearing Loss
          As soon as my daughter turned three-months-old, she came down with her first cold.  Subsequently, she caught colds often. She was either suffering from very thick runny noses, ear infections, coughing, flus, and eye infections. I started giving her Johrei every night when she went to sleep.  By the time she was four years old she was sick every other week it seemed.  As soon as one condition went away she came down with another.  When she entered kindergarten, I was afraid she would not be able to attend school since she seemed to be sick so often.  Fortunately things slowed down so she could go to school.

          In first grade the school nurse performed hearing tests and a report came to our home that she suffered from hearing loss. I continued to channel to her every night. The hearing tests were done every other year so in third grade another hearing test was done and the report sent to us reported that she had increased hearing loss in both ears. 

          Everyone was concerned, so I continued to channel to her every night.  One time she had an ear ache for three days, which was unusually long.  I channeled to the lymph nodes below her ears helped to drain and ease the pressure in her ear, so she could relax and go to sleep. I continued to channel to her every day.

          In fifth grade, the nurse was again preparing to do the hearing tests.  I asked her to inform me of my daughters hearing results.  Of course she had hundreds to do so she said that if there was a problem, a letter would be sent to me.  That year, we did not receive any notice from the school nurse.  That meant that her hearing had returned to normal.  In fact, she now has excellent hearing and is mentally very alert.
Molly: San Bernadino, CA
          A man of about forty, suffered from severe bilateral tinnitus, ringing in the ears, which reverberated in his head causing him mental and physical anguish, complete loss of appetite, inability to sleep or relax.  As well a seemingly unrelated and inexplicable condition of intense sensations which seemed to surround then exert pressure on his chest causing feelings of anxiety attacked his being.  After a series of lab tests it was determined that the doctors could not help him and the only relief was in prescription drugs.  He had to quit his job and delved into seeking alternative modalities, healers and various spiritual pursuits for relief.  He came upon Johrei and was referred to me. We set up Johrei appointments for twice a week and I also advised him to visit the Johrei Center. 

          Tinnitus does not kill but affects the quality of life usually for the rest of their life.  It is usually incurable and patients remain on drugs permanently. After a month or two of receiving Johrei he went off the meds.  Slowly his appetite started improving, he was able to relax, sleep more soundly, the intensity of sound in his head started to diminish and the feelings of pressure around his chest abated.  He started to regain his weight and sanity.  After 6 months, more or less, all of his ailments disappeared and he was left with minimal tinnitus.  He took the membership class and he was again functional, stable and healthy.
Meagan: Los Angeles, CA 

Sore Throat and Ear Ache
     I had a very bad sore throat and an ear ache. As I received Johrei, I could feel a warm sensation in my head and the pain left. I was so relieved.
Paul: Oakland, NJ

Healing a Broken Heart
     I had received Johrei a few times before, but this was the first time going to a gathering at someone's house. I didn't know what to expect.
     I had been having lower back pain from some construction work I had been doing and my right shoulder hurt, so when I arrived I told the group that I had pain in those areas. 
     For some reason, my biological father kept coming to mind and I mentioned him to the woman giving me Johrei. I told her that I didn't know where he was buried and that he had lived a tragic life. She said to think of him during the session. She also said that I might feel something in my shoulder, even though she was focusing on my throat at that moment. 
     Then she moved her hand down to my heart and I was so surprised! It felt like I had a cut on my heart heal. It really felt like a wound closed up. I couldn't believe it!
     She said that maybe I had healed something with my father, but to me it felt more like the broken heart I had been suffering from due to a recent break-up with my girlfriend. 
     What an unexpected healing on my heart! I felt a lot lighter afterwards and went home feeling energized.
Samnang: Long Beach, CA


Constant Headaches for Months on End
        I have always been fit. I exercise and try to eat right. When I hit my early 30's, I started getting these terrible headaches. They lasted for days and the pain was excruciating. My dad had been doing Johrei for years and years, but it never interested me. He offered me Johrei, but I didn't take him up on it right away. Finally one day I decided I had had enough and let him give me Johrei. Lo and behold, my headache went away.
     But that wasn't the end of it. That summer I had a headache that lasted for two months straight. I got up with it and went to bed with it. People told me I looked pale and it was really debilitating. Sometimes I would just pull over on a side street and sit there hoping that the pain would subside. 
     That's when my father suggested that we go together to the Johrei Center. We started going to the Center in Los Angeles on a regular basis. The people there were friendly and I felt they were sincere. Sometimes I would get more than one Johrei and I always felt better, though my headache that summer was very stubborn. 
     Eventually, the headache started to get less painful until it finally went away altogether. Boy, what a relief that was. 
     I still get occasional headaches, but nothing like that one. Now I know, that Johrei will take care of it. I decided to get involved in Johrei after my experience. I felt very grateful, and wanted to give back to others for the benefits I had received.
Jose: Long Beach, CA


     I met this woman at an Insight Seminar I did recently in Santa Monica. I was going through some emotional turmoil with an ex-boyfriend and went to the seminar for a new beginning for myself. On the second day, we were told to go to lunch with people we didn't know, so I invited her to lunch. Three of us went to Whole Foods and got something to share down at the park we walked to. 
     I found out that she and the man she was with were doing the Course in Miracles, which I was also doing. They also did this energy work called Johrei.

     After lunch, we had part of the Insight Seminar while we were seated on the floor and the woman sat behind me giving me Johrei. I felt something nice, so when she invited me to her home for a Light Gathering, I said yes!
     I went there not knowing what to expect. We sat in chairs facing each other and I was partnered up with the man. He raised his hand and started aiming first at my forehead and then down the front of my body. When he got to my intestines, he stopped and said he felt the Light was strong in that area. 
     Pretty soon, I felt a strong need to go to the bathroom. I was a little embarrassed, but I also felt comfortable with them, so I apologized and asked if I could take a break and go to the restroom. They seemed delighted that I was having such a strong reaction and encouraged me by telling me it was a cleansing.
     This cleansing happened two more times. Once more during the session and again after dinner, before I left to go home.I have to say, I felt much lighter afterwards and they kept telling me that I looked different. It was like a great weight had been lifted off of me and cleansed out of my body. I am definitely interested now in finding out more about this Light!
Marie-Claire: Santa Monica, CA

              Dialysis No More!
      This story was shared by Liz at a Johrei Service. I didn't have an opportunity to get more details from her, and soon after she moved to Europe. So, to the best of my ability, this is her amazing story.
     Liz had a condition where her body was producing too much calcium. As a result she was in the emergency room on a regular basis because she kept getting kidney stones which are extremely painful. Some say they are as bad, if not worse than child birth! After years of dealing with this condition, the doctors suggested dialysis as the only means of alleviating her problem. 
     Liz began kidney dialysis every other day. She said she had no quality of life, because either she was on the dialysis machine or recovering from the dialysis the next day. The doctors had even gone so far as to surgically implant a shunt on her chest, which one could see when she wore scoop necked shirts or dresses. 
     Somehow, Liz was introduced to Johrei. I began to see her regularly at the Center where she would receive at least one Johrei each time. She must have gotten Johrei on a regular basis for about 2-3 months, when one day, she got up and shared her healing story.
     She said that she had gone to her doctor in the past month and he said that he had no way to explain it but her blood test results no longer showed that she had a problem. He said he didn't know what she was doing, but whatever it was, she should keep it up.
     Encouraged, Liz decided to have another conversation with her doctor a few weeks later. She said that she wanted to try to go without the dialysis. The doctor strongly cautioned against it, feeling that it was too risky, but Liz insisted and so they decided to give it a try. She stopped the dialysis. 
     Days passed and then weeks. She went for regular blood tests, all of which could no longer detect her original problem. Finally, she declared herself cured and asked the doctor to remove her shunt, which he reluctantly did. 
     When she was sharing her story, she was soft-spoken and radiant. She expressed her gratitude before everyone, which was difficult for her, because she said she was a very private person, but her healing story was so amazing, she just had to share it with everyone. 
Liseli for Liz: Los Angeles

Post-dialysis Pain 
     We were having our usual Thursday evening Johrei gathering at the club house when, Adela, a woman in her late sixties came bursting in through the door crying and begging for help. She had just finished 5 hours of dialysis, which she receives three times a week, and she was in extreme pain all over her body. We sat her down and two of us immediately raised our hands and began channeling Johrei to her. She calmed down as the pain began to subside. Gradually, her desperate sobbing slowed and then stopped completely. Twenty minutes later, she was a completely different person. She was laughing and joking with all of us as if nothing had ever happened. 
Rosa: Bloomfield, outside of Los Angeles


Trouble Waking Up in the Morning
          I have three children. When the oldest was in second grade, the middle one was in kindergarten, and the youngest was only three-years-old. The oldest one had problems waking up for school and getting dressed. While my middle child, was able to rise and dress herself, the oldest  was a zombie.  

          To motivate her, I bought her an alarm clock but she would not wake up. We tried to coax her with a reward if she could wake up on her own but it never happened. In my impatience I would get mad at her but of course that was futile. Those school mornings were so hectic; getting them dressed, feeding them breakfast, packing lunches and driving them to school before by 7:50.  I finally decided to focus the power of Johrei on this dilemma. I was determined to channel for as long as it took, perhaps two years at the most, and felt confident it would nip this in the bud. 

          I can’t recall how long I gave her Johrei, perhaps 20 – 40 minutes.  After the fourth night of Johrei, she awoke by herself in the morning. I thought it was a fluke and continued to give her Johrei. The fifth morning she woke up again.  I was amazed. I continued with the Johrei, and on the sixth morning she woke up by herself. I decided to make a list of a morning routine for her to follow starting with brushing her teeth and washing her face, brush her hair, getting dressed and making her bed.  Every morning she followed this routine diligently. It was nothing short of a miracle. We finally got to reward her too!

          I still continued to give her Johrei for awhile for safekeeping.The Johrei seemed to have made a permanent change within her, as if someone rewired her. Since then, she has never fallen back into her old waking patterns. I have never had to worry about her not waking up for an early event in her school or working life.
Ginger: Northridge, CA
          In 1987 I was in my final semester at UC Berkeley. Being the free spirit I was, I planned to take off on a trip around the world. I had no idea where to start, until I met this young man from what was then Zaire in my Sociology of Religion class. We became friends over time. He had plans to go to a wedding in Kenia upon graduation and I decided that would be as good a place to start as any, so I began looking at a map of Africa and loosely planning my trip.

          By the time we graduated, he had changed his mind about going to the wedding, but I decided to make a go of it and include a visit to his family in Bukavu, Zaire, over the border from Burundi and Rwanda who were not at war at the time. Mabutu was in power, but that's a story for another time.

          Leaving Kenia, I traveled to Tanzania. Although I was very careful about sleeping under a mosquito net, and even took malaraquin profylactically, I still came down with malaria, which was fairly horrible. After days of a fever so high, I felt like I was looking at the world through a thick wall of glass, I was convinced by a local to eat a bit of orange, which caused me to vomit and broke my fever. My health was never the same again.

          Over the years, I've had undiagnosable chronic conditions, which led me to Johrei, which is the only silver lining. One constant has been pain in my upper abdomen, the cause of which no one has been able to identify. I've had scans and countless exams; nothing.

           This summer, my upper abdomen got distended. It took me a while to realize that my liver was inflamed and that chronic pain was an enlarged spleen. Once I was able to identify what was wrong, I changed my diet from cold and wet foods, to warm soups and such which are said to be good for the spleen. I also increased the amount of Johrei I was receiving. 
           I went to the MOA Wellness Center and spent a day receiving Johrei, which they call OPT, Okada Purifying Therapy. After four hours of Johrei, I leapt up from the session, ran to the bathroom, and eliminated old fecal matter with some parasite egg sacs attached to it. It was pretty disgusting, but a great relief at the same time.

           After that, the swelling in my abdomen started to go down and here I am a month and a half later with only a little twinge of pain every now and then. Besides the warming diet and eliminating caffeine and wine, the only thing I've done is get Johrei. My upper abdomen is no longer hard and the swelling is now almost gone. Without Johrei, I'm sure the malaria would have wreaked more havoc than it has on my life. It is a life saver!
Liseli: Los Angeles


Fibroid Tumors
     A friend of mine came to see me after many years. She came for the express purpose of receiving Johrei, or as we at the MOA Wellness Center call it, OPT, Okada Purifying Therapy. She is a long-time member, but has moved out of Los Angeles, and is not near anyone who could attend to her on a regular basis. She had developed these fibroid tumors that got so big and so bad, that they were interfering with her ability to urinate and evacuate her bowels. Apparently many of the women in her family have developed these tumors, and all of them have had surgery to remove them. My friend wanted to try to get rid of them with Johrei before considering the surgery.
     She came for a week, and I had planned to give her Johrei three times a day, but we were having so much fun talking and eating the Japanese food I was cooking that it ended up being only an hour or an hour and a half every day. On day three, she started having a diarrhea elimination. It was strong and forceful and caused her to go to the bathroom a lot, even during the night. 

     I'm happy to report that after that, she could go to the bathroom with no trouble at all. She went home happy.
Massako: Culver City

Menstrual Cramps
          I have had menstrual cramps all my life, since my teens. After receiving Johrei for some time, I was able to get through my entire periods without taking pain medication. There was pain, but as long as I could stay home and relax, I could tolerate it. Before, I could not have been able to manage at all without taking strong painkillers.
Darlene: Union City, NJ

Ovarian Cyst Dissolves
         "Some conditions take longer to dissolve than others," I was told my Johrei members. I was new to Johrei and had recently been diagnosed with an ovarian cyst. I had decided to give Johrei a try for a month and if it didn't work to go ahead with the operation that I really did not want to have. 

        I was working six days a week at the time, but since this was something very serious, I decided that if I was going to do this, I was going to have to make a sacrifice. So, I started spending my one day off at the Johrei Center. At first it was easy. People were so pleasant and the Johrei felt so good. I gave and received all day long. Sometimes I was able to get as many as six Johreis in a day. When there was no one there to receive, I kept myself busy doing odd jobs around the Center. I used the practice to imagine that the external cleaning I was doing was a metaphor for the internal cleaning of my ovaries.

       After several weeks had passed and I hadn't seen any results I began to get despondent. As the weeks went by, it became increasingly more difficult to have a positive attitude. 
       One day, I came home after spending all day at the Center and plopped down on the couch. I sat there aimlessly flipping through the channels trying to distract myself from my thoughts. "Am I crazy?" "What was I thinking?" "I can't believe I thought this would work."

       Suddenly, I felt something inside of me explode. Terrified, I went running to the bathroom. I felt a lot of warm, sticky liquid pass from inside of me. It looked like yellow puss and I was completely disgusted. 

       After the episode was over, I decided I would make another appointment with my doctor and follow through with the operation. "Enough of this craziness!" I told myself.

       When I went for my appointment and they checked me out, to my surprise the doctor announced that there was no more cyst! I couldn't believe it and neither could he. It turns out that elimination I had was the cyst dissolving.

       I've never had a recurrence since then. I've been free and clear all these years thanks to Johrei.

Rosa - San Bernadino


My Anxiety and Depression Vanished
         I was the type of person that only believed in what I could see, touch, smell, and feel. Only things that were scientifically proven were valid in my world. When my boyfriend talked about Johrei and how healing it was, I laughed at him. 

         When I had my first panic attack, I was scared. Suddenly, I didn't recognize myself. As the panic attacks got worse and more frequent, I found myself disassociating from my body. One day it happened at work. When I came to, I was about to give some medication to the wrong client! I immediately dropped what I was doing and ran to the bathroom crying. I stayed in there so long, that they called the night supervisor to intervene. She found me in a rattled and anxious state and suggested I go see a psychiatrist and get some medication to help me. 

        I did as she said. I made an appointment, got my diagnosis, and was put on Prozac. I took the pills for one month, but they left me feeling like a zombie. I couldn't stand it, so I went back to the doctor and told him I wasn't going to take anymore anti-depressants. He told me how wrong I was and that I would be back in not time to get a refill. 

       He was right. Everything got worse. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep and I certainly couldn't work. I cried so much that I hid my swollen eyes behind dark sunglasses. One day things got so bad, that I contemplated suicide. I had a young son at the time, and only because of him, did I fight the impulse to end my life. 

       Then I remembered the Johrei Center that my old boyfriend used to talk about. I have no idea how, but somehow I got myself there. I met the Center Head and after we spent some time talking about my situation, he offered me Johrei. 

        I was skeptical, but desperate, so I agreed. He began on the front and the only thing I felt was my head getting heavier and heavier. Finally, it felt so heavy that it felt like I was never going to be able to get up again. When he asked me to turn around, I snapped out of it for a second, and turned around. That's when I realized that I felt better! I felt like myself again, only better. It was unbelievable. I didn't know what it was or how it worked, but believe me, from that day onward, I was sold. That was over 20 years ago. My depression never returned and since then I have been able to help many others with Johrei. I am so very grateful.  
Luana, Yorba Linda, CA

Becoming Functional
          Once a girlfriend of mine was suffering from anxiety and depression. She just couldn’t get her life together and found it extremely difficult to function. Then one day she went and did some Johrei and came back and said, “I feel very good. In fact, I feel great!” Those were her exact words. Slowly, I watched as her whole life begin to change. She had been a downtrodden person, but she became a person who could face life. Eventually, she got her life together. Seeing this, I started getting Johrei too and I have never felt the same since. I feel high every time I leave the place.
Jim: New York, NY

More Motivation
          When I first began getting Johrei I was mildly anxious, depressed, and tired part of the time. The first time I received Johrei, I noticed that I had slowed down, felt more relaxed, and even walked more slowly. Later, in the afternoon and evening, I also had more energy than usual and felt happier. Without having to push myself, I naturally felt like studying. When I went back to college, I noticed that I could think more clearly and creatively after receiving Johrei.
Lori: New York, NY

High Anxiety
          As a nurse, I don’t always have the opportunity to give Johrei to patients. When I do however, it always makes me very happy. One day, an elderly woman on our floor who was a Holocaust survivor and now blind, was inexplicably ranting and raving for hours. No one knew what to do with her, so I went in and sat with her for a while. I allowed my hand to point toward her and within a few minutes she had completely calmed down. She then proceeded to talk to me quite lucidly about her long life. I witnessed her transformation from a wildly, hysterical person to someone who was quite aware, even gracious.
Beatrice: Newark, NJ

Angry at the World
          In my opinion, my childhood and family life were above average. Although I was privileged, I was angry.  I dreamed of escaping from everything.  I always thought it was the real world that I hated.  From the time I started pre-school as a child I was rebellious. I was defiant. I simply couldn’t be controlled. I always felt that there was something wrong with the system.

          At nineteen, I left my small town and drove to the big city of Los Angeles.  I immediately hated the place. Then a friend introduced me to Johrei. As I received Johrei, my life improved.  I was happier; I felt peace like I had never known before.  My hatred and anger towards many things had faded away.  For example:  I had always had a strained relationship with my father.  Suddenly, he started calling me and talking to me without any conflict.  We’ve been good ever since. But it’s odd right?  I mean my behavior towards him hasn’t changed. I don’t want to jinx it so I don’t mention it to him.

          I get Johrei whenever I can. I always feel good when I get home.  My mind is always clear and calm after Johrei and my quality of life improves. I also now have a sense of compassion towards so many people I wouldn’t have noticed before.
Ryan: Los Angeles, CA


Headaches, Shoulder Pains and Impatience
             Following the birth of my second child, I was unable to regain my strength. I suffered severe headaches, shoulder pains and was short tempered with my husband and children.
            One day, a neighbor noticed my despair and offered me Johrei. I agreed, but during the session I thought she must be doing something mysterious. Yet, after a minute or so, the headache was relieved. My body became warm, and I felt very good. Even so, I decided it must be my imagination and dismissed it.
            Three days later I had another headache. Once again I received Johrei; this time thinking of it as a test. My headache was soon relieed. I felt this was a miracle and asked to be told the facts about Johrei. As I continued to receive Johrei, my headaches, shoulder pains, and nervousness subsided. I became patient and understanding with my children.
Junko: Tokyo, Japan

Turning a Baby
          I knew my co-worker’s wife was pregnant. I didn’t think much about it until one day, Tom told me that it was approaching the ninth month and the baby hadn’t turned yet. This meant that his wife, who wanted to have a home birth, was going to have to go in for a precarious procedure where they hand-turn the baby. Apparently, there was a risk of dislodging the placenta and putting the baby’s life in danger. I didn’t know his wife, but I decided to offer to give her Johrei if she was open to it. A few days later, Tom came to me and told me that his wife was willing to try Johrei. So, I gave him my phone number and told him to have her call me.

          We arranged to meet at her house that weekend. She already had a toddler and it would be easier for her if she could remain at home. I gave her Johrei for about an hour. We were silent throughout the session, but in the last ten minutes I had her stand so I could give Johrei to a point underneath her body. It was the end of the session, and I assumed that the Johrei had already done what it was going to do. We were chatting, getting to know each other a bit, when suddenly she lurched forward. We were both taken by surprise. I asked her what had just happened and she said she wasn’t sure, but she thought maybe the baby had moved.

          The next day was her appointment. She called me afterward to tell me that the baby’s head was almost exactly in place. It was only off by one or two centimeters, which no one was concerned about. She was thrilled and I was both excited for her and astonished at the results. This energy work never ceases to amaze me.

          She had her baby girl at home with a midwife and a doula present. Both she and the baby were healthy and happy.
Olivia: Albany, CA


Broken Vertebra From a Car Accident

          My first experience helping a victim of a car accident resulting in a vertebral fracture was in 1987.  The man was partially crushed in his car from an auto accident. Someone had noticed a wallet on the ground outside of the car and realized it was the driver’s wallet which helped to quickly identify him and utilize his health insurance policy. The paramedics had to call the Jaws of Life to cut open the door. They cut the door out, extracted him from the car and took him to the emergency room. The doctors determined that if he survived, he would surely be paralyzed due to the vertebral fracture.  

          Miraculously, upon awakening the man had survived his injuries well and was not paralyzed.  They attached a ‘halo’ onto his head, a circular metal bar that is screwed into the skull which is connected by four poles and secured onto a body brace.  This contraption keeps the head from rotating and keeps his spine straight so the vertebra could heal properly.  He could not therefore drive or do much else.

          I visited him only once a week with my five month old daughter to give him Johrei I did my best to give him Johrei.  The doctors said that if the bones did not heal they would schedule surgery.  He really wanted to avoid surgery.  

          One day he told me that the doctors were going to schedule surgery.  I gave him Johrei, and it felt unusually strong. When I went to visit this man again, he was out of his halo/brace.  He said that after my last visit the screws in his head became infected and when they took an x-ray of his spine, the vertebra had healed enough to be able to remove the halo. He was overjoyed and felt the Johrei had healed his neck.  I was surprised and happy too.
Meagan: Los Angeles, CA

Recovery From Broken Vertebra
           I had an opportunity to work on a compound (many pieces) vertebral fracture due to an auto accident.  A woman was involved in an accident. Her vertebra was crushed into many pieces. She had a neck brace and body brace on. She was bedridden, on pain pills and depressed.  She knew of Johrei because her son had been involved in a car accident resulting in a comatose state for months. Many had gone to give him Johrei and he had completely recovered.

          There were three of us going to give her Johrei. After a few weeks of Johrei she no longer needed the drugs and was able to move around and drive. She started to come to my house for Johrei. We scheduled Johrei for twice a week and additional Johrei at the Los Angeles Center. 

          Due to her physically incapacitated state, she felt mentally, emotionally, spiritually vulnerable and very dependent on all of her relationships which now seemed to have been turned upside down therefore falling into deep depression and suicidal thoughts. Along with the Johrei, I did my best to give her encouragement and support. Invariably she felt much better after the Johrei and always left with a smile. 
Every week she felt stronger and started to take gentle yoga classes, low impact exercises at the local YWCA swimming pool program. 

          After a few months, her neurosurgeon wanted to schedule for surgery which would not guarantee a complete healing and possibly leave her with side effects.  She asked her neurologist about the surgery and if she could avoid it altogether. He felt that she could live with a fractured vertebra that is not 100% healed and live a full and healthy life. With the neurologist’s support, she declined the surgery.  After that, she returned to a full time job and life.
Molly: Northridge, CA

Crippling Sciatica
 If you have ever had the misfortune of experiencing sciatica, it is beyond horrible. It makes it difficult to get around, not only walking, but driving. It can even make it impossible to sit down! The sciatica that I had gradually got worse day by day. The doctor told me that I could either get a cortisone shot, or lie flat on my back in bed until it went away. I knew the shot would only be a temporary solution and I didn’t have the luxury of taking off work, so bed rest was out of the question.

After weeks of suffering in excruciating pain, I was convinced that I would be crippled forever. I couldn’t take it any longer, so I called the Johrei Center. I told them that I was in desperate need of help, or I would end up in in a wheel chair. They told me to come on in.
When I arrived, I was in so much pain, I literally had to crawl through the door. They got me to the couch and a visiting Johrei member from Miami started to give me Johrei. At some point I relaxed so completely that I fell asleep.

When I awoke, I felt refreshed. She had given me an extra long Johrei and I was hopeful that it would make a difference. I still hobbled out to my car and was in pain while driving, but it was definitely an improvement.
When I got home, I busied myself with cooking dinner, when suddenly I felt an urgent need to go to the bathroom. I ran to the toilet and what came out of me was beyond foul. It was black as tar and had a revolting smell.

It took about half an hour for all the toxins to be eliminated, but when I finally got up to leave the bathroom, I could walk again without any pain. It was nothing short of a miracle! I couldn’t believe it! I kept walking around, testing it out, even bending my knees to see if I would feel that terrible pain, but I didn’t.

That night, twenty years ago, was the last time I ever had sciatic pain again in my life.
Rosemary: Los Angeles, CA

Straightening a Bent Back
      Last summer, I met a gentleman of about sixty-five years. he, a former army man, now retire, was walking with his back bent over. I asked hi the reason for his bent back, and he replied that he had been cleaning his garage one day and as he lowered a very heavy object, he suddenly felt an extreme pain and found himself completely unable to stand upright. From that moment on he was bent over. I immediately began to give him Johrei. After a some time, the gentleman began to stretch his back. The pain had left him and he was now able to stand upright. He and I were both so surprised and amazed. I was grateful to have been of service to him.
Kazuo: Stockton, CA


Post-operative Condition After Surgery on Shattered Arm
My friend was in somewhat rough shape after her arm surgery. She had a big black eye and a cast and was having trouble breathing, maybe from the anesthetic. Her breathing eased in the first five minutes of Johrei. 


A Toothache
          My girlfriend, Dina, had been suffering from a nasty toothache.  She hadn’t slept well in two weeks.  It had become infected.  We didn’t have health insurance but we made an appointment to see a doctor anyway.  However, the appointment wasn’t for a few days.  Meanwhile, a friend of ours heard her complain and saw her holding her face.  He had been asking her for several days to come with him to the Johrei Center.  She finally agreed, thinking how can it hurt?

          She received Johrei for almost an hour.  When she came home she was raving to me about how the infection was gone.  It stopped hurting and the infection was gone! She said that the practitioner had held up his hand and that her face had gotten hot.  She said she could feel the pain melting away. She ended up cancelling her appointment to see her dentist.
Ryan: Los Angeles, CA

My Gums Got Better
          Recently, I went to the dentist for my rgular check-up and found out that the condition of my gums had gotten worse. My dentist recommended a surgical procedure where they scrape the gums. i didn't want to have this minor operation, so I got Johrei daily and asked the person to focus on my gums. I did this for three months and then I returned to my dentist.

          He was so surprised because my gum condition had improved so much that I no longer needed to have them scraped. he said that he had never seen someone's gums improve without having the treatment done. I felt really lucky.
Judy: El Dorado Springs, CO


No More Thyroid Medicine Required
          I took medicine for my thyroid for over 15 years. I was put on it when I was a teenager and continued taking it on a daily basis. When I discovered Johrei, I was having all kinds of other problems. My shoulders were stiff and sore all the time, my kidneys were beginning to show warning signs according to my lab reports, and I was beginning to hunch over like an old woman!

          The Johrei people told me not to worry. They recommended I get a lot of Johrei on my kidneys, explaining that the kidneys were key to maintaining a pure and clean body as they are responsible for removing the uric toxins.

            I began getting Johrei regularly. I went as often as I could, even though I was working full-time. It was worth it to me to give it a try. Slowly but surely, I began to feel more relaxed. My shoulders would feel lighter after Johrei, I slept soundly and awoke refreshed in the morning.

            The next time I had lab work done, the doctor was pleased to tell me that my kidney function was looking more normal. He was also surprised, because my thyroid seemed to be improving. He reduced my dosage and that’s how it went, bit by bit, until I weaned myself off the medicine all together.
            Now I’m in my 70s and the only thing I have is a little bit of high blood pressure. Johrei is good for that too, so I continue to give and receive Johrei as often as I can. I’m active and full of energy and I have Johrei to thank for that.
Mamiko: Culver City, CA


Gradually My Daughter's Brain Tumor Disappeared
In 2007, my youngest daughter, just 6 years old at the time, was diagnosed with a tumor in her brain, which doctors told us that we should not operate due to the terrible consequences that could result from such a delicate operation.

She began to lose her hair, had vision problems, and also began to have difficulties in her studies. Through these circumstances my life became meaningless. I wanted to give up everything. Until that time I was studying to become a doctor in America, but I stopped studying and lost the motivation to be involved in anything. Doctors even told us, “Your daughter might become a vegetative state eventually. Please spend as many happy hours as possible with her, and make many happy memories.” All I did was cry when I looked at her, imagining her future. It was a terrible time in my life.
           My mother had already become a Johrei member before the diagnosis. She had been giving Johrei to my daughter, but when we discovered the tumor, my mother began to give her Johrei more frequently, and our Johrei members of the Miami Johrei Center visited us at our home, and gave her Johrei at least 4 times every day.  Then, our daughter’s condition began to improve little by little. Her vision improved, new hair began to grow, and her color on her face improved.  Looking at her situation, I began to have interest in Johrei, began to appreciate the efforts of those members who visited us every day, and  I began to receive Johrei on a trial basis, and the darkness in my heart began to recede.
          The cancer specialist, a woman doctor, who confirmed tumor in our daughter’s brain, observed it grow bigger little by little, her condition worsening, then a few months later, observed her condition began to get better, and the tumor shrinking little by little.  She said, “Maybe your daughter is getting some special treatment.  I don’t know what it is, but obviously it is helping her, and she is getting better because of it.  Please continue with that treatment.  Do not stop that treatment.” 
          One year later, on April 13, 2008, my husband, our daughter and I became Johrei members. The next day, April 14, was the day of our daughter’s regular medical check-up day, so I took her to the hospital. The doctor examined her and discovered that the tumor was completely gone.  She (the doctor) was very surprised that the tumor which was medically inoperative, had disappeared completely.
          From that day forward, I have dedicated to helping others with this wonderful healing light.

Rosa P., Miami, Florida