
Monday, May 30, 2016

Anxiety & Depression

                                     My Anxiety and Depression Vanished

         I was the type of person who only believed in what I could see, touch, smell, and feel. Only things that were scientifically proven were valid in my world. When my boyfriend talked about Johrei and how healing it was, I laughed at him. 

         When I had my first panic attack, I was petrified. Suddenly, I didn't recognize myself. As the panic attacks got worse and more frequent, I found myself disassociating from my body. One day it happened at work. When I came to, I was about to give some medication to the wrong client! I immediately dropped what I was doing and ran to the bathroom crying. I stayed in there so long, that they called the night supervisor to intervene. She found me in a rattled and anxious state and suggested I go see a psychiatrist and get some medication to help me. 

        I didn't take her advice and things got worse. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, drive or function at all. I just laid in bed crying all the time. When I didn't go to work, my coworker got worried about me. One of them eventually came looking for me and convinced me to go see a doctor. I made an appointment the next day, got my diagnosis, and was put on Prozac. I took the pills for one month, but they left me feeling like a zombie. I couldn't stand it, so I went back to the doctor and told him I wasn't going to take anymore anti-depressants. He told me how wrong I was and that I would be back in no time to get a refill.

       I walked out of his office scared to death; wondering what in the world I was going to do. That's when I remembered the Johrei Center that my old boyfriend used to talk about. At that point I figured I had nothing to lose. I have no idea how, but somehow I got myself there. I met the Center Head and after we spent some time talking about my situation, he offered me Johrei. 

        I was skeptical, but desperate, so I agreed. He began on the front and the only thing I felt was my head getting heavier and heavier. Finally, it felt so heavy that it felt like I was never going to be able to get up again. When he asked me to turn around, I snapped out of it for a second, and turned around. That's when I realized that I felt better! I felt like myself again. All the anxiety and depression was gone. It was unbelievable! I didn't know what it was or how it worked, but believe me, from that day onward, I was sold. That was over 20 years ago. My depression never returned and since then I have been able to help many others with Johrei. I am so very grateful.  
Luana, Yorba Linda, CA