
Thursday, September 10, 2015


While visiting Los Angeles, I accidentally exploded a gas oven, burning my left arm and right hand. My hair, eyebrows, and eye lashes were also singed by the blast. A friend of mine immediately took me to the Johrei Center where I received Johrei. The pain was severe, however, it felt as though the Johrei was pulling the burn out. I slept that night, and the burns began to disappear the next day. I was left with only minor blisters on my knuckles.
Christine: Boulder, Colorado

A friend of mine had a three-year-old daughter who was naturally very curious. One day she came up to the stove while her mother was cooking and pulled on the handle of a pot full of boiling water. The scalding hot water burned her entire left arm and chest. Her mother gave her Johrei right away. Her daughter cried and cried, but after some time the burning pain subsided and she was able to go to sleep. Both of her parents continued to give her Johrei throughout the night, taking turns in shifts. When their daughter awoke the next morning the burned areas were still red, but there were no blisters. The most amazing thing was that over time, the redness faded and she was left with now scars!
Miho: San Francisco, CA