
Monday, February 18, 2013

Trouble Waking Up for School

     I have three children. When the oldest was in second grade, the middle one was in kindergarten, and the youngest was only three-years-old. The oldest one had problems waking up for school and getting dressed. While my middle child, was able to rise and dress herself, the oldest was a zombie.  

     To motivate her, I bought her an alarm clock but she would not wake up. We tried to coax her with a reward if she could wake up on her own but it never happened. In my impatience I would get mad at her but of course that was futile. Those school mornings were so hectic; getting them dressed, feeding them breakfast, packing lunches and driving them to school before by 7:50.  I finally decided to focus the power of Johrei on this dilemma. I was determined to channel for as long as it took, perhaps two years at the most, and felt confident it would nip this in the bud. 

     I can’t recall how long I gave her Johrei, perhaps 20 – 40 minutes.  After the fourth night of Johrei, she awoke by herself in the morning. I thought it was a fluke and continued to give her Johrei. The fifth morning she woke up again.  I was amazed. I continued with the Johrei, and on the sixth morning she woke up by herself. I decided to make a list of a morning routine for her to follow starting with brushing her teeth and washing her face, brush her hair, getting dressed and making her bed.  Every morning she followed this routine diligently. It was nothing short of a miracle. We finally got to reward her too!

     I still continued to give her Johrei for awhile for safekeeping.The Johrei seemed to have made a permanent change within her, as if someone rewired her. Since then, she has never fallen back into her old waking patterns. I have never had to worry about her not waking up for an early event in her school or working life.

Ginger: Northridge, CA

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